
A Heartfelt Discussion on the Budget & Our Children’s Education

May 25, 2024 /
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Hello, everyone! I hope you all enjoyed our budget talk last week with CM Toombs, where we broke down the initial budget. If you missed it, you can catch up here. This week, I’m thrilled to dive into a topic very dear to my heart – our children’s education. We had the pleasure of hosting the honorable Freda Player, Vice Chair and Budget Chair for the school board, along with Mr. Tosin Okunoren from Lotus…

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Dissecting Mayor O’Connell’s FY 25 Budget

May 18, 2024 /
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Hello, everyone! Since this is my first post since my re-election, I want to thank you again through this medium for the opportunity to serve you for another term. Thanks to your vote, I became the first person of color to win first chair in Metro Nashville’s 60-year history (#1 vote getter). I am grateful for your continued support and confidence in me and for the opportunity to serve alongside some amazing people. Since re-election…

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Dissecting Mayor Cooper’s FY 24 Budget

May 30, 2023 /
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I am pleased to present my fourth and final Budget Conversation for my first term in office. When I campaigned for this office four years ago, I promised to enhance communication and transparency regarding the city’s activities. These Facebook conversations, which were subsequently turned into blog posts and newsletters, have allowed me to fulfill that promise. Another benefit of this series is that it has enabled me to gather input from constituents, resulting in numerous…

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The Titan’s Stadium Term Sheet- My Vote and Why

January 31, 2023 /
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For the past couple of months, I have participated in and listened to the conversations around the new Titans’ stadium deal. Thanks to CM Mendes’s leadership, there were ample opportunities for community and expert input. I attended 4 public hearings around the county. I want to thank everyone that took the time to share their opinions with us, via email or in person. Your perspective and your questions are instrumental in my decision. Reaching a…

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Final FY 23 Operating Budget – As Amended

July 20, 2022 /
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On June 21, 2022, the Metro Council voted on the FY23 Metro budget, a process that started in April. The process began with introducing the mayor’s budget followed by meetings with department heads, community members, and council deliberations and workshops. Though the council has already passed the budget, I feel it is still important to highlight the differences between the mayor’s budget, the chair’s substitute budget, and the amended substitute budget, which eventually became the…

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