
Advocating for Quality Education and Inclusion

Zulfat Suara is passionate about creating an exceptional education system for all Nashville students. She has been a strong advocate for increasing teachers' pay, recognizing their invaluable role in shaping the future of our city. Zulfat Suara has also been a vocal supporter of diversity and inclusion in our schools. She believes in the importance of a diverse educational environment and has been a leading advocate for the creation of a Diversity Officer and Chief Diversity Manager position, ensuring that every student feels valued and represented.

Responsible Funding for Nashville's Future

Zulfat Suara knows the significance of responsible budgeting and investing in our community. Through her leadership as the budget chair for the minority caucus, she has spearheaded efforts to secure funding for advocacy centers in our schools. By prioritizing resources for these centers, Zulfat Suara is ensuring that our students have the support they need to thrive academically and emotionally.

Building an Inclusive Nashville

Zulfat Suara is committed to creating a Nashville that uplifts and supports all residents. She has been a tireless advocate for small businesses, recognizing their vital role in our local economy. Zulfat Suara has fought for a 20% allocation of Branes funds to empower and strengthen our small business community, driving economic growth and fostering entrepreneurship. Additionally, she has championed initiatives to address pressing issues such as affordable housing and eviction prevention. Zulfat Suara has fought for $3 million in funding for the Eviction Right to Council PILOT, ensuring that those facing eviction have access to legal assistance. Furthermore, she has proposed allocating 50% of Oracle property taxes for affordable housing, subject to future council approval, to address the pressing need for accessible and affordable housing in Nashville.

Embracing Diversity and Religious Freedom

Zulfat Suara is dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusion, ensuring that every resident feels valued and respected. She has been a strong advocate for the appointment and subsequent election of Berthena, making sure that diverse voices are heard and represented in our decision-making processes. Zulfat Suara has also worked towards fostering understanding and cultural appreciation by introducing a resolution recognizing the Month of Ramadan. Furthermore, she has supported a resolution allowing Muslim students to wear hijabs for THSCC sports, promoting inclusivity and religious freedom in our educational institutions.

Celebrating Equality and Justice in Nashville

Zulfat Suara believes in honoring the heroes of our civil rights movement and preserving their legacy. She has been a dedicated advocate for initiatives that recognize their contributions. Zulfat Suara actively pushed for the establishment of the John Lewis Way, paying tribute to this influential leader and his lifelong fight for justice and equality. Additionally, she played a key role in establishing the Ernest Rip Patton North Nashville Transit Center, ensuring equitable and accessible transportation options for all residents.