
Join us this Wednesday for our Tax & Financial Q&A!

March 22, 2020 /
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Mayor John Cooper just issued today the Shelter at Home for Nashville and Davidson County. This requires nonessential businesses and residents to stay home for 14 days. While there has been so much information out there about protecting yourself health-wise from COVID, there is not easily accessible information on the financial impact of this crisis, especially for small businesses. What does this mean for your small businesses? How will this affect your business and financial…

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Tornado and COVID-19 Financial Relief for Individuals and Small Businesses

March 20, 2020 /
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The month of March has been a trying month for our community. From the devastating Tornado of March 3rd to the effects of the COVID-19 virus, Nashville has truly been tested. First, my prayers goes to all the families impacted by both and second my sincerest gratitude to our first responders, health workers, the mayor, my fellow councilmembers and our amazing residents. I am so proud of a community where everyone came together to help…

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Starting The Conversation About Property Taxes

January 14, 2020 /
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Happy New Year everyone. Wishing you and your family the very best in 2020 and always. This blog is a harder one for me to write. The budget process is scheduled to start in a couple of weeks and after the chaos and fall-out from last year’s budget crisis, it is imperative that we are prepared as we head into this year’s budget season. In order to avoid another crisis, we need to have some…

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Conversation About Property Taxes Part II- Understanding the Imbalance

January 14, 2020 /
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There are two factors that affect the property tax that a resident pays. The first component is the value of the property and the second component is the tax rate. If your property value goes up and the tax rate goes up, your taxes will be high. If your property value goes down and the tax rate goes down, your taxes will go down. However, while residents may know if the value of their house…

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Fixing Metro’s Current Year Budget

December 12, 2019 /
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Since the comptroller’s visit and announcement that Metro’s budget would not be approved by the state, there has been an understandable amount of speculation and anxiety regarding the state of Metro’s finances. Many of you may be wondering, “What does this all mean? Will Metro shut down? Will the state takeover? How will Metro balance the budget in such short notice?” These are all valid and fair questions that I’ve attempted to shed light on below. …

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